An example of an ordinary, nothing-special Venn diagram of three sets.
A typical Venn diagram. (Source.)

I made a silly puzzle.

Most of us are familiar with the concept of a Venn diagram, A series of two or three or more overlapping circles used to represent sets. Some of us, at one point or another, may have even been given the task of writing in the intersections of such a diagram, given a set of already-labeled circles. The puzzle I've concocted is called a Venn void, and it's the inverse of the idea just described: You get a Venn diagram with the intersections filled in, and have to provide three (or 4 or 5, etc.) concepts, one for each circle, whose relations to each other match these intersections.

This sounds complicated, but it's actually too easy in practice, so another constraint has to be added: The letters used in the answer are to be taken exclusively from an anagrammatic phrase written below the puzzle (or in a ring around the puzzle, if you're more technically adept than I.) Punctuation and whitespace can be ignored, and you can use as much of either as you like in your own answers, but the letters have to match—and you can only use each letter once. (It might help to cross them out as you go along.)

With all that said, here's an example:

A Venn void, as described above.
							The outer intersections are, clockwise:
							"recursive structure";
							"golden ratio";
							"blossoms outward".
							The central intersection reads:
							"examples of mathematical beauty in nature".
							Below the diagram is its anagrammatic key:
							"'tis gan, pure form - nature's eternal."
Venn Void No. 1.

It's goofy, I know. In my defense, 'gan' is a real word, albeit an archaic one. Also in my defense, these are harder to write than I expected; whoever solves it will be treated to a photo of its construction from my irl-meatspace-paper journal, showing just how much trial and error was involved in coming up with an answer-set-and-anagram pair that interlocked nicely while being reasonably coherent and adequately reflecting the central theme. On top of that, this puzzle turned out to be obscure enough that nobody I've shown it to so far has been able to solve it. All in all, a rough first attempt.

But I'm convinced it can be solved, and the answer (answers) might make you smile. So give it a shot! Send me an email if you manage to figure it out. And feel free to make up a Venn void of your own.

NOTE: The picture used for the Venn void is an edit of the picture at the very top of the page, which in turn came from Wikimedia Commons. A link back to the source and license are in its caption. As a result, 'vennvoid.png' is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license, which you can look up here. The font used is CMU Serif, which you can find here.

If, after giving the puzzle a try, you've had more than enough circles for today (this week (this month (et cetera,))) click here to learn about a different kind of logic game. <2123.09.03.2021 -FNTM>

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